Los pacientes que se han sometido a una acromioplastia previa tienen resultados funcionales similares después de la rTSA en comparación con una cohorte emparejada Patients who have undergone prior acromioplasty have similar functional outcomes after rTSA when compared to a matched cohort https://t.co/BTFNqL1rJn @AnthonyRomeoMD pic.twitter.com/MWM4hvSbLe — Arthroscopy Journal (@ArthroscopyJ) February 10, 2023 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2666061X2200195X https://www.arthroscopysportsmedicineandrehabilitation.org/article/S2666-061X(22)00195-X/fulltext#articleInformation Arthroscopy, …
Categoría: Investigación
May 12
Las cabezas humerales extracortas reducen el relleno excesivo de la articulación glenohumeral en comparación con las cabezas cortas en la artroplastia total de hombro anatómica
Extra-short humeral heads reduce glenohumeral joint overstuffing compared with short heads in anatomic total shoulder arthroplasty @JsesFamilyhttps://t.co/T4IELru4bc pic.twitter.com/Otgo99AI3I — Elsevier Orthopedics (@ELSORTHOPAEDICS) May 5, 2022 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35252915/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8888178/ https://www.jsesinternational.org/article/S2666-6383(21)00261-9/fulltext Monir JG, Hao KA, Abeyewardene D, O’Keefe KJ, King JJ, Wright TW, Schoch BS. Extra-short humeral heads reduce glenohumeral joint overstuffing compared with short heads in anatomic …
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